Thanksgiving in the Southern Hemisphere.

October 25, 2010 § 17 Comments

Howdy haw,

This afternoon I was reading a great post by Mimi at Pursuit of Healthfulness that detailed all the small things she was thankful for in the lead up to Thanksgiving. Apart from the unfortunate element of turkey torture, Thanksgiving in itself is a really nice concept; a national holiday that is not a commercialized frenzy of giftage, rather a chance to express gratitude and participate in a little gung-ho gluttony (this aspect I find particularly inviting).

Dear Australia, please get on the mission to instigate some kind of secular, feast-centric holiday.

Today I am therefore taking it upon myself to bring a little thanksgiving spirit to Bonne Santé, despite Australia not being invited to the party. Because lately, i’ve been thinking about just how thankful I am, for so many things.

I am thankful for this fabulous parcel that arrived on my doorstep this afternoon, from Michelle at Health Food Lover.

I won her MSM shampoo & conditioner giveaway, right as I was lamenting having to part with another sizable sum to replenish my O & M supply. I get so excited when I win things! ‘Tis a rare occurrence. Not only that, but I was touched that Michelle even threw in some lovely extras that included a new stash of carob powder, seaweed and hibiscus tea. How could it be that she knows my love for all three? I do not recall being overly vocal about my seaweed fetish

In this sense, I am incredibly thankful for the new friends I am making via this crazy little blog. An amazing, like-minded support network is just a click away, and these health gurus, goddesses and talented chefs have single-handledly inspired me to make some huge changes in my life.

I’m thankful that the stars aligned this afternoon, and I had all the ingredients on hand to make the Happy Herbivore’s vegan black-bean brownies.

These were baked with a friend in mind, but I’m thankful that I took the liberty of sampling 1/4 of the batch pre-giftage. I’m also thankful that there are another two lurking in my refrigerator for dessert.

I am not thankful that said friend reads this blog, and will now know that he received only half the intended batch of birthday brownies. Burp.

I am thankful I persevered with running, even though I used to have the stamina of a three-legged goat with emphysema. Thankfully, I can now hold my own on the pavement, and am working towards participating in my first fun run in December. I can’t believe that I now love running so much that I braved the torrential downpour on Saturday just to get my endorphin fix.

I am not thankful that I inadvertently entered a one-woman wet t-shirt competition starring me, Katey ‘white shirt, pink sports bra’ Payne. I won, in case you were wondering.

I am so supremely thankful that I have this wonderful woman in my life.

And that she is so happy.

I am also thankful I did not ingest this ballsy little guy who was hidden amongst my dinner greens. He must have been living in the fridge for days, but was still slugging about, waggling his antlers happily. I took this to mean that he too was thankful, as I took him downstairs and set him free on a pot plant 🙂

I’m thankful that I have functional appendages, the right to free speech, and live in a country that (although politically conservative on a lot of fronts) allows me to determine my own destiny. I often forget that in some parts of the world, women are not so lucky.

Thankfully, my hair is the kind of red that falls between blonde and ginger (perhaps with a little chemical persuasion) and I am able to tolerate sunshine enough to walk with the regular folk in the waking hours. I have ranga friends who are not so lucky, and are relegated to a life not dissimilar to that of a vampire. Eating your superfoods sure helps to foster some inbuilt solar protection!

I am thankful for food & friends, together if possible.

And supportive boyfriends who tell you, with eyes watering, that your experimental raw creation was an absolute delight.

I’m also thankful to you all; those people who regularly stop by my corner of the blogosphere (for reasons that shall forever remain a mystery). You make this wannabe naturopath feel more confident and determined to keep writing and pursuing my dreams of world peace/health/domination. I love you guys!

What are you thankful for?

§ 17 Responses to Thanksgiving in the Southern Hemisphere.

  • Japaf says:

    I am thankful for digital cameras. Without them, how would anyone capture the silly faces I make?

  • Anthony says:

    Thankful that you exist to slave away in the kitchen to cook vegan brownies that you are generous enough to give me half of, despite my having a claim on all of it! I will seek out your hidden batch in the freezer when next I stalk you…

    • bonne_santé says:

      Hidden batch? No foodstuff, exempting bananas, ever hangs around long enough to make it into the chilly halls of my freezer.

  • Lindsay says:

    At least you won the contest! 😉

    I’m definitely thankful for your positive outlook and enthusiasm to share your healthy lifestyle. It motivates me over here on the other side of the globe!

    • bonne_santé says:

      Thanks Lindsay! You are definitely my cheffing inspiration (do you know how many Kitchen Opera recipes I have bookmarked to make? Criminal!). Have a fabulous day!

  • Amanda says:

    Oh Katey! I am thankful for this post! What a beautiful girl you are, inside and out. It’s nice to put things in perspective sometimes, isn’t it? Life is grand! Tra la la la la! 😀 haha

    • bonne_santé says:

      Nawwww THANK YOU! You are lovely!
      I agree, being alive is downright fab – how colourful and vibrant is life when you’re fuelling your body with awesome food and invigorating it with exercise?! We know the secret, haha!

  • Babs says:

    Funny you mention Australia and Thanksgiving. I’ll be bringing a bit of Thanksgiving to Australia when I’m over there next month!

    I am thankful for perspective, which allows me to appreciate everything.

    I am thankful that I found that everlasting love

    I am thankful for my memories

  • ah, so many great things to be grateful for…but right now my health. ; )

  • Natalia says:

    I’m thankful for friends who run into work at the drop of a hat to lend me a singlet because my shirt is so see-through! By the way… when can i give them back to you?

    • bonne_santé says:

      Hahaha we couldn’t have you parading around in front of the sleazy customers with a revealing top! Good for business, bad for modesty. I’m not missing them too much (ahem, my oldest, mankiest singlets no less) so whenever we next catch up!

  • Yeah bring the thanksgiving spirit to Oz! I used to live in the states and now I miss this holiday..
    Now, let me in on the secret of moving past the “stamina of a three-legged goat with emphysema” stage…because I need serious help! THAT I would be very thankful for!

    • bonne_santé says:

      I still have my goat-ish days; don’t go thinking i’m some kind of steely running machine…! But I have found jogging with a person who is slightly better than you and who strikes fear into your heart (so as to quell any thoughts of stopping) is usually a good place to start. This is the best/most effective means for me to be able to attempt longer runs/hills that I never would have thought to on my own!

  • Shellet says:


    “I am thankful I persevered with running, even though I used to have the stamina of a three-legged goat with emphysema.”

    I nearly spat out my drink when I read this, hilarious 🙂

    It also describes me down to a T so I know there’s hope for me yet!

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