The knights of cram-a-lot.

September 29, 2010 § 12 Comments


O to the M to the G, thank Gaia i’m on holidays!

Today began with an exceptionally pleasant Anatomy exam, straight off the bat at 8.30am. I have never crammed so hard in my life. I was crammin’ terms and concepts down my throat so hard I think I forgot my name at one point. Trivial details my friends.

The barrage of exams over the past couple of weeks has really killed what little study mojo I previously had – it’s all been last minute, panic-stricken rote-learning scrambles that have not really instilled the facts permanently in my brain. Rather, all exam-relevant info was excreted like the despicable waste it is at approximately 10.31am, 1 minute past the end-time. Ah, what a great naturoapth I will be; my knowledge will be a veritable patchwork of random, disconnected elements informed by how much attention I paid in class. But guys, COME TO ME! I know my shit.

For post brain-liquefying lunch, I had a salad bowl with amaranth, balsamic & lemon. Simple, delicious.

The boy then came round for celebratory din-wah.

I was greeted with, “I did something corny…”.

Did you eat genetically-modified corn? Have you ingested corn-fed beef? Was your dessert sweetened with high fructose corn syrup?


Then whatever you have done is faaaaiiiine by me!

Please note: the kind of corn I condone.

Les fleurs, les fleurs!

We don’t usually do romantic gestures, but this one I accepted with alacrity (and a deep-hued blush).

Please also note that my bf has also been known to bring me ‘bouquets’ of young coconuts. I’m not quite sure where I found him, but I hope he hangs around 🙂

This is going to be a very short post because I have to be in bed, like 1 hour ago to get up at the whip-crackle & pop of dawn tomorrow for a loooooong drive.

To update on mindful eating, I think i’m finally getting somewhere! Huzzah! The whole serene-eating scenario is working absolute wonders. It’s incredible how effective taking 20 minutes to simply sit, undistracted and focused on the meal before you really is. I feel fuller for longer, more content and certainly more connected to the food I am consuming; silent eating is here to stay!

I also wanted to mention an amazing bloggess, Michelle, over at Health Food Lover who was kind enough to feature my amaranth recipes in a recent post. I’m extremely flattered! (And also dubious that some poor souls may be trying to follow my vague, imprecise measurements to conduct their first encounter with the super-seed. Eeek!)

Michelle is currently running a competition to celebrate her 1st blogoversary with some awesome prizes, so I encourage you guys to check it out!

And this gal now needs to crash! Goodnight x

§ 12 Responses to The knights of cram-a-lot.

  • paijery says:

    Love your blog, love amaranth, love the flowers! Bouquets of cocnuts?! Def a keeper lol 🙂

  • Lindsay says:

    Congrats on getting through your exams!!!!! And congratulations on the progress with mindful eating — that’s a big one.

    I’m finding that with my focus on whole foods, my palate has changed significantly, and it’s much easier to eat mindfully as I can really taste all sorts of individual flavours.

    Does this make you an official naturopath now, or do you have more studies/exams?

    • bonne_santé says:

      Hi Lindsay! Thank you.
      No no, not a naturopath just yet. Still a couple more years of cramming committed study until I’m unleashed on the world!
      You’re right about the kind of food we eat making a difference – I definitely don’t have ‘cravings’ as such any more, I think it’s just a slow learning process for my body to form these balanced, mindful habits. Simple, whole food is where it’s at.

  • jjaci says:

    Awww! What a lovely gesture! *nudges own boyfriend* EH, EH! Are you seeing this? Watch and learn, boy! ahaha.

    Silent eating is a strange concept to me, especially living with my family, because the TV is the centrepiece of our house, and I eat infront of the computer, with earphones in, while talking to people and attempting to hear everything at once, with the TV blaring behind me. Oh, and maybe i’ll be watching a show on youtube or something. *drools* Silence is hard to find in my house. If I (WHEN I, DAMMIT!) move out, the TV will be a sometimes treat, for sure!

    • bonne_santé says:

      Ha! Well I AM suspicious that Jarad’s motivation was in fact for me to parade around in front of my flatmates with said flowers in order to assert his thoughtfulness, and claim ‘boyfriend points’. But i’m going with truuuuuuue looooooove! Hahah, ew. Hope you receive your rightful bouquet soon!
      Seriously, it’s hard to switch off the techo-company when eating because it often goes hand in hand with relaxation, but it does make a difference! I’m sold.

  • Mon says:

    Congrats on your success with mindful eating and with your exams. Lucky you – receiving flowers – beautiful ones too!
    Sounds like you deserve them after all your hard work. Well done, you!

  • Myla says:

    what a beautiful blog! happy to be here, thank u…

  • 8:30 classes are never fun, especially when there is an exam! But yay for getting them done!! Are you on holidays now? Mid-semester?
    Wow your bf is so sweet! I love that salad- looks really colourful!

    And thanks for mentioning my Amaranth Pudding post and my blogoversy (as you put it!)!

    Have a great holidays,


    • bonne_santé says:

      Hey, thanks! How did your own joyous nutrition exam go? Any down time?
      Yes, I now have a week of sweet sweet freedom, and i’m actually going away for a change to visit my Mum in Perth, so good times ahead!
      Have an awesome weekend x

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